Sunday, December 27, 2009

Furry Blankets What Kind Of Bird Is This? (pic) Its Mom Threw It Out Of The Nest 2 Times.?

What kind of bird is this? (pic) its mom threw it out of the nest 2 times.? - furry blankets

and now I take care of this bird, poor innocent. The keep warm under a lamp in a warm fuzzy blanket, but do not know what to eat .. I do not want to kill. used to help the shelter, I do not want to die .. thanks:) ... ...

1 comment:

need help fast please said...

I saved 2 as a few months ago, I look very similar, and it was a sparrow. He fell from his nest on two floors. I picked it up and put it under a lamp, high voltage, from a nest of towels, napkins, etc. to keep birds warm, the heat is the key to survival. Should be about 98 degrees inside. I called a vet and she gave me the phone number of a man who for these animals, cared for, among other things. Helathy The bird is like a horse and increases with the possibility of release. If a sparrow, food portions very small worms, but if you dn't get it right, he could drown. Good luck with the bird).

My PS was 2-3 days, because not yet opened his eyes. Chances are he is not sick, so be careful!

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